St. Peter’s Church Haveringland

St. Peter’s Church is the oldest surviving building in the parish. Dating to the 11th century and containing much re-used Roman building material, St. Peter’s stands isolated on a disused World War Two airfield that was once the park to Haveringland Hall.

It has possibly one of the oldest round towers in the county.  The rest of the church, including the top of the tower, was rebuilt in 1858, consisting of an aisled nave, chancel and big north and south transepts. The interior also mostly dates from the 19th century, however the font dates back to the 15th century.

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Find out about our    services and events, present and past. See our churchyard conservation management plans and policies.

Discover some of our gravestones and memorials .

If you would like to receive our newsletter or are interested in joining the Friends of Haveringland Church, you can contact us through the Haveringland Parish Clerk. Please come along and support us!

Our parish church depends on donations to cover its day to day costs. If you would like to help with the upkeep of our church or would like to find out more about making donations to our church here is a link to our online giving page 

You can also download a  form to set up a standing order

biodiversity awards Haveringland Church Action Group is a small committee of people who are embarking on plans to improve facilities at St. Peter’s. As well as arranging services at key times of the year, the group has planned a number of  other exciting events. Everyone is welcome.                                                                   Find out more about the Church Action Group  events here

St. Peter’s Church, Haveringland is proud to be part of the Aylsham Team Ministry

You can find details about our church services here: A church near you – Haveringland

If you are interested in round tower churches, why not visit the web pages of the  Round Tower Churches Society